Meet our team

Rebeca Recatero - 800+ Jivamukti Advanced Certified

Born in Madrid, growing up she heard of yoga philosophy from her grandmother - a practitioner and teacher in the 80s - but it was only years later while living in Sydney, Australia that she first started studying yoga at the Jivamukti School.

A heartfelt sense of wanting to dive deep into the teachings of yoga arose in the clarity and stillness that followed her first practice. She has been studying regularly with her teachers since and she feels forever grateful to them and to our transformative method.

Her teachings come now as a reflection of her dedicated daily practice and detailed observation of the natural world. Rebeca is devoted to protecting animal rights and teaching about yoga philosophy is her humble contribution to awakening our heart’s capacity for compassion towards all beings.

Her aspiration is to keep sharing the teachings as far and as deep as possible.

Janet Parra - SYC Authorized level ll

Janet is original from Argentina, a dancer and creator, she has been practicing ashtanga yoga for 14 years and as a teacher she has been sharing this path for 10. She is authorized level 2 by Sharath Jois (SYC, Mysore, India), she transmits this practice following the tradition (parampara) wholeheartedly, continuing the line of their teachers.

Parampara (a sanskrit word) is the direct transmission of knowledge and practical experience, Hamish Hendry, Lucía Andrade and Petri Raisanen have been a guide and inspiration on her path.

She receives Tibetan Buddhism teachings from her teacher Geshe Lobsang Choephel with whom she continues her profound studies.

Being a practitioner of transcendental meditation and shamatha meditation, she leads the practice of meditation into the āsana sharing a view informed by her experience as a dancer and researcher in the field of the arts of movement.

Violeta Gonzalez - 300h Jivamukti Certified

Nace en el sur de España, Málaga, y muy joven se traslada a Madrid para continuar con su carrera como deportista de élite. Años después de su retirada, fué la meditación la que la ayudó a cultivar consciencia, y la condujo al yoga.

Desde que encontró Jivamukti, nació en ella la necesidad de transmitir las enseñanzas de esta disciplina a través de este método. Por ello se define como eterna estudiante, constante practicante y agradecida profesora.

 Hace voto de Ahimsa, lo cual siente como la práctica más transformadora, retadora y reveladora que ha experimentado. 

En sus clases busca mantener la esencia de lo sagrado sobre esta disciplina, y con el claro propósito de motivar a sus alumnos a continuar con su práctica más allá del mat.